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Cancer - Solid or CNS Tumors: A clinical study of sirolimus and metronomic chemotherapy for recurrent and/or refractory tumors

This study is for: • Patients who are between the ages of 1 and 30 years old • Who have solid or central nervous system (CNS) tumors that have relapsed (have come back) or are refractory (have not responded to earlier treatment) This is a study of a drug called sirolimus. Sirolimus has not been approved for use by the FDA for this use and is considered an investigational drug. "Investigational" means that it is still experimental because it has not been tested for use for the treatment of solid or CNS tumors. In this study, sirolimus is given in combination with other chemotherapy drugs. The drugs etoposide, cyclophosphamide and celecoxib are used in combination in children with this type of cancer when it returns or stops responding to treatment. When this combination of etoposide, cyclophosphamide and celecoxib is given by mouth, at lower doses than given through the vein, it is much better tolerated by patients. It also helps stop tumor growth by preventing blood from getting to the tumor. Blood supply is needed for tumors to grow. In this study, sirolimus is added to these three drugs. The study team wants to learn if patients can tolerate this. They also want to learn whether it improves the effect that this therapy has on tumor growth.

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Full Study Name: AflacST1502 A Phase II Study of Sirolimus in Combination with Metronomic Chemotherapy in Children with Recurrent and/or Refractory Solid and CNS Tumors
