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Family Advisory Board Membership Guidelines

Membership guidelines

Article I: Name

The name of the organization shall be Children’s Mercy Kansas City Family Advisory Board (hereinafter referred to as “FAB”). 

Article II: Mission 

The FAB seeks to promote progress that improves the experiences of patients and families receiving care and support at Children’s Mercy Kansas City.

Article III: Goals

The goals of FAB shall be:

  • To promote and support the mission, programs, services, and initiatives at Children’s Mercy. 

  • To represent the experience of members and the voice of the community to drive a patient- and family- centered culture that involves a collaborative partnership among patients, families, leadership, and staff.

  • To actively engage with staff and leadership as partners on strategic projects, improvement initiatives, and daily efforts of the hospital. 

Article IV: FAB Membership

Section 1: Composition

Family members of the FAB shall not exceed 21 families and shall be:

  • Parents or primary caregivers of a child who has been cared for at Children’s Mercy. 
  • Representative of the diverse communities and populations served by Children’s Mercy.

Hospital staff members of the FAB shall always include but is not limited to:

  • Administration
  • Medical Staff
  • Nursing Leadership
  • Psychosocial Services
  • Patient and Family Engagement*.  
  • Hospital staff membership is limited to 49% of family FAB membership. They are non-voting members. 

*Excluded from the staff membership limitation, the FAB shall also include key representation of the Patient and Family Engagement Department to manage the Board agenda, Annual Report and day-to-day administration. 

Section 2: Duties

All FAB members must: 

  • Actively participate in a minimum of 70% of the meetings per year. Participation below this threshold will be subject to evaluation by the FAB Planning Committee, taking into account project involvement.
  • Come prepared to meetings, having reviewed all relevant materials in advance.
  • Volunteer for additional opportunities offered by the Patient and Family Engagement Department.
  • Strive to represent the diverse experiences and perspectives of all patients and families, not just your own.

Section 3: Code of Conduct

FAB members shall:

  • Honor the unique experiences and perspectives of each member by treating fellow board members, hospital staff, and stakeholders with respect and professionalism.
  • Engage in discussions that seek consensus and ensure that others have a fair opportunity to actively participate in the discourse.
  • View differing opinions as opportunities for growth and understanding while always assuming positive intent.
  • Maintain focus on relevant discussions and work towards practical solutions to achieve our common goals.

Section 4: Process

  • Prospective members shall complete the FAB application and be interviewed by the Chairperson and/or Co-Chairperson prior to being invited to join the FAB.
  • Upon acceptance, members must comply with the volunteer requirements set forth by the Children’s Mercy Volunteer Services Department:
    1. Complete an online background check
    2. Submit a health form and immunization record
    3. Complete Volunteer Services online educational module
    4. Review PFAC Orientation Manual

FAB members will be issued a Children’s Mercy Security Badge.  
FAB members are only authorized to use the assigned security badge to enter the facility for the following reasons:

  • Appointments for children or other family members
  • Scheduled and approved meetings with FAB or other assigned projects, sub-committee meetings and workgroups within the hospital building

Section 5: Terms of Service

  • The term of service for FAB members shall be a minimum of three (3) years.  
  • At the end of a three (3) year term, FAB members who have met membership qualifications may continue to serve.
  • FAB members may serve a maximum of three (3) terms.  
  • Background checks will be updated every two years for FAB members.
  • Attendance records are reviewed every six months and appropriate communication, and action is facilitated by the FAB Planning Committee.  Excused absences due to health care needs are excluded from the attendance expectation.
  • FAB members wishing to terminate their membership or request a leave of absence must provide written notice of one (1) month to the Chairperson.  
  • Retiring FAB members may choose to join the Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Alumni.

Section 6: Meetings

  • The FAB shall adopt a schedule of regular meetings.  There will be an Annual Meeting held.  
  • Meeting notification, minutes, and correspondence will be facilitated and provided to all FAB members and staff by the Patient and Family Engagement Department.  Meeting minutes will be distributed at least seven (7) days before the next meeting. 
  • Staff representatives of Children’s Mercy and guests wishing to attend the FAB meetings shall make requests of the FAB Planning Committee to be placed on the agenda.
  • A quorum consists of half plus one family member for the transaction of business at any meetings.

Section 7: Removal

Any member of the FAB may be removed at anytime by the FAB Planning Committee or FAB majority vote for, but not limited to, violating rules governing use of their Children’s Mercy security badge, behavior not aligned with the Children’s Mercy mission and any conduct unbecoming of a FAB member.

Article V: Officers

Section 1: Composition

The appointed officers of the FAB shall be a Chairperson and Co-Chairperson.

Section 2: Appointment 

  • The FAB Planning Committee shall submit candidates for approval by the FAB membership as a whole by June. 
  • The Co-Chairperson will serve as co-chair of the committee during the first year of a cycle and act as the Chairperson the second year of a cycle. 

Section 3: Terms of Service

  • The term of service for the Chairperson shall be one (1) year. No FAB Chairperson shall serve for a period exceeding two (2) consecutive years.
  • The term of service for the Co-Chairperson shall be one (1) year.
  • Appointed Officers shall assume their duties on July 1st of each year.
  • Both the Chairperson and the Co-Chairperson must attend 80% of the monthly FAB meetings.  Excused absences due to health care needs are excluded from the attendance expectation.
  • Appointed Officers shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.

Section 4: Duties

  • Chairperson – The duties of the Chairperson shall be those assigned by the FAB, including:
    • preparing meeting agendas as part of the FAB Planning Committee
    • presiding over FAB meetings
    • providing overall direction of FAB activities
    • being the official spokesperson for the FAB
    • keeping FAB members abreast of pertinent information affecting the FAB
    • soliciting and/or interviewing membership candidates
  • Co-Chairperson – The duties of the Co-Chairperson shall be those assigned by the FAB Planning Committee or the Chairperson, including performance of the duties of the Chairperson as needed. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Co-Chairperson will preside over FAB meetings.

Section 5: Vacancy of Position

A vacancy in a FAB Chairperson or Co-Chairperson position shall be filled by the FAB Planning Committee.

Article VI: Planning Committee

The FAB Planning Committee is comprised of the Chairperson, the Co-Chairperson, the FAB Executive Sponsor, PFE Medical Director, and representatives from the Patient and Family Engagement Department.  The Committee meets monthly to determine the agendas and conduct other business in support of the FAB.

Article VII: Children’s Mercy PFACs

The FAB serves as the principal advisory group for Children’s Mercy representing the Patient Family Advisory Councils (PFACs). PFAC leaders will be invited to the annual FAB meeting.

Article VIII: PFAC Alumni

The purpose of PFAC Alumni is to provide opportunities for former FAB and PFAC members to remain involved in the collaborative process with Children’s Mercy without the commitment to attend routine meetings.  For Children’s Mercy, the PFAC Alumni will provide a pool of engaged parents of patients or former patients to serve as Patient Family Advisors. 

PFAC Alumni shall be:

  • previously active FAB or PFAC members
  • invited to participate in special events and projects

Article IX: Amendment of Guidelines

These guidelines will be reviewed as needed or requested by the FAB Planning Committee and/or FAB members.  Amendments will be proposed as needed by the FAB Planning Committee.  Adoption of the proposed amendment shall require a two thirds (2/3) vote of the FAB.



Patient and Family Centered Care Administrative Policy
Patient and Family Engagement Policy

Guidelines Approved  03/04/2025