REACT Site Locations
Children's Mercy has partnered with five primary care clinics and one adult epilepsy center listed below. Each site is defined in a region that includes surrounding counties.
Kansas University Medical Center (Adult Epilepsy Center)
Kansas City, Kansas
(913) 588-4580
County served: Wyandotte County
Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas
Pittsburg, Kansas
(620) 231-9873
Counties served: Anderson, Allen, Bourban, Crawford, Cherokee, Labette, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson
Logan County Health Services
Oakley, Kansas
(785) 672-3211
Counties served: Gove, Greely, Lane, Logan, Sherman, Scott, Sheridan, Thomas, Wallace, Wichita
Hays Pediatric Clinic
Hays, Kansas
(785) 623-2360
Counties served: Barton, Ellis, Graham, Ness, Osborne, Rooks, Russell, Rush, Trego
Junction City Pediatrics
Junction City, Kansas
(785) 672-5437
Counties served: Clay, Dickinson, Geary, Morris, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee
Medical Heights Medical Center
Dodge City, Kansas
(620) 227-3141
Counties served: Clark, Edwards, Finney, Ford, Gray, Haskell, Hodgeman, Kiowa, Meade
For families that live outside of these areas:
If you have a child with epilepsy and don’t live in one of the counties but live in a rural area with limited access in Kansas please contact the coordinator to discuss care coordination and what options you have.
For health care providers interested in partnering with Children's Mercy:
If you are a provider and you are interested in partnering with Children's Mercy in this project please contact the coordinator to discuss further.

Next steps for care
If your child has a diagnosis of epilepsy and lives in one of the service area counties in rural Kansas, they are eligible for a Telemedicine appointment. To schedule, contact Stephanie Horton at or (816) 302-3344.