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Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a rare hereditary condition that increases your risk of developing multiple cancers, often at an early age. It is caused by a change or mutation in a gene that can be passed down in families.

People with LFS have a 50% chance of passing the syndrome to their children. Cancers most often associated with LFS include adrenal gland, brain, breast, gastrointestinal, leukemia, melanoma, osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcomas.

Children’s Mercy Kansas City and The University of Kansas Cancer Center have established the Heartland's Li-Fraumeni Syndrome program to provide seamless leading-edge care and surveillance across the age continuum from children to adults. Heartland's LFS care team includes certified genetic counselors, pediatric and adult medical oncologists, geneticists and coordinated nurse navigation.

Learn more about our partnership.