Constipation and Encopresis
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report

Constipation and encopresis in children
The BRICK (Bowel Retraining in Constipated Kids) clinic is a subspecialty clinic within the Division of Gastroenterology at Children’s Mercy dedicated to the care of children with constipation and encopresis.
Symptoms associated with BRICK clinic
Patients who are seen in the BRICK clinic have symptoms that include, but are not limited to: encopresis, stooling accidents, soiling, fecal/stool/bowel incontinence, constipation, large or hard stools, infrequent stools and stool withholding.
Who can be seen in BRICK clinic?
Constipation is a common problem for many children. The BRICK clinic was developed to provide children with chronic constipation a comprehensive program to improve their bowel function. Your child must meet the following criteria to be seen in the BRICK clinic:
3 years of age or older
Developmentally ready for toilet training
What to expect during your visit
Your first visit in the BRICK clinic will last approximately one hour. New patients are seen at the Children’s Mercy Adele Hall, Children’s Mercy Kansas and Children’s Mercy North locations. During the initial visit, you and your child will see a GI nurse practitioner, who will complete a thorough history and physical and review pertinent medical records. A plan of care will be developed specifically for your child. Additional testing can be done if deemed necessary. Please have medical records sent prior to the first visit.
Patients are typically seen approximately 4-6 weeks after the initial visit at one of the above locations. Follow up visits last 30 minutes. Your provider may recommend additional follow up visits as needed.

Unstuck: a family guide to childhood constipation
Most childhood constipation is functional constipation, which means there’s no underlying disease or problems. Some kids with functional constipation need help getting “unstuck.”