Addicted to Awake: The Consequences of Energy Drinks in Adolescents
How often do you come across advertisements for energy drinks: once or twice a week, or perhaps every day on your morning commute? Rarely do we escape a day without energy drink companies promoting how they can “give you wings” or provide the five hours of energy you need to make it through the afternoon grind.
5 simple steps to keep your kids germ-free
Now that back to school time is in full swing, so are the germs! It might sound simple, but handwashing is truly like a “do-it-yourself” vaccine that stops the spread of germs. In fact, regular handwashing, is one of the best ways to keep from getting sick.
Dangerous vaping epidemic: 5 things parents need to know
What once was thought to be a harmless habit has now turned into a national crisis. Hundreds of people have been recently diagnosed with acute lung injury after vaping. Six people across the U.S. have died. Because of this crisis, health officials are now urging people to stop vaping immediately.
Under-scheduled and unapologetic
Children are busier than they ever have been. From organized sports, to music lessons, to church activities, to scouts their schedules are jam-packed. In fact, kids are so busy it prompted the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to issue recommendations to pediatricians to “prescribe” play for young children.