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January 02, 2025
Snowed in? S-no-w problem!
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A winter wonderland may not seem so wonderful when you’re snowed in and cabin fever begins to take over. But fear not! There are LOTS of things your family can do inside the walls of your home to stay busy and have fun!
- Grab your sous chef and try a new recipe. Try cozy things like soups, pasta or toasted sandwiches!
- Game night! Play kid-friendly board games like Candyland, Chutes and Ladders and Connect Four.
- Build a time capsule about your family. Include photos, trinkets and other mementos to bury (once the ground thaws) and dig up in a few years.
- Host a family movie night. Pick your family’s favorite, then provide bowls of popcorn and movie theater candy options.
- Create a fort out of couch cushions, blankets, pillows on your living room floor.
- A little dance party never hurt anyone! Crank up your favorite music and dance it out. Bonus – this gets a little extra energy out!
- Make snowman snacks. Use marshmallows, pretzels and candies to make your very own edible snowmen.
- Build a bracelet bar. Grab some string and beads and build friendship bracelets. You can even think of who you want to give them to when it warms up and you can get back outside.
- Encourage performances! Tell your children you’d love them to put on a talent show or play, dress up and perform for you. Parents can get it on the action, too!
- Running low on ideas? Turn to the boredom bucket! Grab a bunch of popsicle sticks, decorate them and write boredom busters on each one like “do a puzzle,” “story time,” or “movie break” so when you hear the dreaded “I’m boooooooored” you know where to direct your kiddos.
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