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Patient Stories at Children's Mercy

Thousands of families trust Children’s Mercy with their child’s care each year. But it is the unique story of each and every patient that truly defines who we are.

Read about the many amazing kids who inspire us with their courage, persistence and spirit.


Featured story:


Cerebral Palsy: Mohamed’s Story

From a harrowing birth in a bombed-out hospital to relocating their entire family, Mohamed’s family has been through a lot. In spite of many challenges, including cerebral palsy, Mohamed is making amazing progress toward his personal goals with the help of his Children’s Mercy team.

Meet Mohamed
A man with brown hair and a white Puma sweatshirt stands with his arm around his son, a 12-year-old boy with brown hair and a white sweatshirt. They are standing near a purple handrail overlooking the main lobby of Children’s Mercy Adele Hall Campus. There are large, colorful sculptures hanging from the ceiling in the background.

RSV: Auggie's Story

"When 6-month-old Auggie came down with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) last winter, his mom Bianca wasn't sure where to begin getting care for him. They eventually ended up at Children's Mercy ER where Auggie received breathing treatments. Read what Bianca's experience was like at Children's Mercy and some advice she shares for other parents as respiratory virus season escalates."

Meet Auggie
Family photo of Auggie, Mom, and Dad

Eosinophilic asthma: Hunter's story

In a matter of a few hours, Hunter Box went from being a healthy, active 17-year-old, to a severely ill teen struggling for his next breath. After two hospitalizations, he was diagnosed with eosinophilic asthma and a rare complication called plastic bronchitis. Now, thanks to the Children’s Mercy Advanced Asthma Interdisciplinary Respiratory (AAIR) Clinic, Hunter’s asthma is under control.

Meet Hunter

Inside Pediatrics: Zei's story

After a mysterious illness ravages Zei’s lungs and leaves her fighting for life, the critical care team re-invents its life support protocols to push the limits of medicine to give her a chance.

Peanut allergy: Jayden's story

Jayden Johnson had his first life-threatening allergic reaction to peanut at just 13 months old. From then on, avoiding any products containing peanut became a full-time job for his family. Then Jayden signed up to take part in a clinical trial for a new treatment to potentially help him build up a tolerance to peanut. The treatment worked. He’s developed a tolerance to peanut, and with it a new-found freedom to do things he’d once only dreamed of.

Meet Jayden
Jayden Johnson smiling in his band uniform.


11Q Chromosome deletion: Londyn's story

Londyn's mother, Karla, knew something was wrong with her baby. She followed her gut and persisted until Londyn received the diagnosis and care she needed at Children's Mercy Kansas City.

Meet Londyn
Londyn, a Children's Mercy patient, smiles for the camera with a piece of red clay stuck to her forehead

Chromosome 15q duplication and deletion syndrome: Marcus' story

Shaun and Tasha Rye share what a difference the Children’s Mercy Beacon Program has made for their son, 2-year-old Marcus. Marcus has a medically complex condition caused by chromosome 15q duplication and deletion syndrome, a genetic defect, resulting in global developmental delays, congenital heart disease including atrioventricular septal defect with restrictive VSD, DORV and PDA, supraventricular tachycardia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, intestinal malrotation, asthma, dystonia, cleft palate, and bilateral club feet. Marcus also has bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, wears glasses, has a gastrostomy tube for medications, and takes continuous jejunostomy tube feedings.

Chromosomal abnormality: Odin’s story

Diagnosed with chromosomal abnormalities before birth, Odin Buser's medical care is complex. That's why his parents, Mark and Courtney Buser, have turned to the Beacon Program for help. The Beacon Program team is working with Odin's family to meet his unique medical needs and improve his quality of life.

Meet Odin
Odin Buser sleeping while wearing a nasal cannula.

Rett syndrome: Quinn's story

Quinn Cunningham has Rett syndrome, a progressively debilitating neurodevelopmental disorder. That's why her family relies on the Beacon Clinic to coordinate her complex care for respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological issues.

Meet Quinn
Children's Mercy patient Quinn receiving care in the Beacon Program and Clinic.

Child Life: Making the hospital a positive experience

Hospitals can be scary places. That’s why the certified child life specialists at Children’s Mercy do whatever it takes to make kids feel empowered and comfortable during their stay. From hosting carnivals and patient proms, to using child-friendly models, pictures and real-life canine buddies (Hope and Hunter, the service dogs!), Child Life eases stress and anxiety for kiddos and their families.

Critical Care Transport: Knox's story

A rare rash and inconsolable crying triggered a St. Joseph, Mo., mom to take her infant to the pediatrician; and then to Children’s Mercy via ground ambulance. Immediate treatment for scalded skin syndrome meant a brief hospital stay for Knox, who is heathy today.

Meet Knox
Meet Knox, a Critical Care Transport patient at Children's Mercy

Critical Care Transport: Matthew's story

Following the birth of their son, Matthew, first-time parents Natalie and Phillip Meznar noticed something was seriously wrong. Suffering from breathing issues, the Neonatal Transport team at Children's Mercy quickly transported Matthew to the hospital for care, where he was diagnosed with a rare condition called pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, or PAVM.

Meet Matthew
Meet Matthew, a Critical Care Transport patient at Children's Mercy.

Critical Care Transport: Owen's story

As a 2-year-old, Owen Sheeley had an unexplained seizure. Testing showed nothing remarkable but after a few seizure-free months, Owen had another major seizure. He was taken to the nearest hospital where Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport was contacted. Upon arrival, the team prepared Owen for a flight to Kansas City.

Meet Owen
Owen Sheeley with transport team members posing in front of Children's Mercy ambulance.

Critical Care Transport: Paizlee's story

Six-year-old Paizlee received an injury to the head from a game of baseball that caused her brain to swell. Rushing against time, the Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport team arrived to bring Paizlee to the hospital in time for the care she needed.

Meet Paizlee
Meet Paizlee, a Critical Care Transport patient at Children's Mercy.

Critical Care Transport: Parker's story

Born six and one-half years ago at only 23 weeks, 5 days of gestation, and weighing l pound, 12 ounces, Parker McElroy’s mother, Kylie, said he is alive today thanks to the Children’s Mercy Neonatal Transport team.

Meet Parker
Meet Parker, a Critical Care Transport patient at Children's Mercy.

Critical Care Transport: Willow's story

A low heart rate led to Willow Noud being delivered by C-section at a local hospital. Trouble breathing and undetectable blood sugars after birth initiated a call to the Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport team to take Willow to the Level IV nursery at Children’s Mercy Kansas City.

Meet Willow
Willow Noud held by her mother with Transport team members on each side, posing in front of the annex building in the Adele Hall Campus circle drive.

Critical Care Transport: Xavier 's story

What started as a normal school day for Xavier Scruggs, 17, quickly changed when he passed out at soccer practice. Revived by CPR, Xavier was taken to a local hospital. Unable to explain what had happened, the Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport team was called to take Xavier to the Children’s Mercy Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Meet Xavier
Xavier Scruggs, his teammate who performed CPR, family members and CCT staff in front of the Children's Mercy airplane in the hangar at the downtown Kansas City airport.

Type-1 diabetes: Mason's story

A thirsty 2-year-old isn’t likely to arouse concerns – especially during the brutal heat of a Midwestern summer. But Mason Brennan’s mother knew something was amiss when her son’s requests for water became excessive.

Fetal Health Center and NICU: Birdie and Erika’s Story

First-time mom Erika has been through a lot with her daughter Birdie. From delivering in our Fetal Health Center to several months in the NICU and multiple surgeries, Erika knows the hospital so well that she joined our staff! Read Erika and Birdie's story.  

Meet Birdie
Current photo of patient Birdie, 2024

Kingston's story

Kingston Morris was born at Children’s Mercy in March 2023, when a team of nearly 30 providers and several departments completed a rare EXIT-to-airway procedure. He has been diagnosed with CHD4 Neuromuscular Disorder and has number of challenges, but has shown remarkable progress during his time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Meet Kingston
Madison holds her son Kingston on her lap. Kingston has a tube in his throat and limb differences.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Kyler's story

Samantha Moran’s water broke in the middle of the night just hours before she was scheduled to travel to the Elizabeth J. Ferrell Fetal Health Center to give birth. That’s when the Fetal Transport Team sprang into action, safely bringing her and baby Kyler, who had been diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, to the hospital for care.

Meet Kyler

Fetal cardiology: Hazel's story

Doctors at Children’s Mercy diagnosed Hazel Moffett’s heart defect before she was born, and repaired it when she was only 8 days old. Today the 1-year-old is developing normally—laughing and playing.

Meet Hazel
A child receives care in the Fetal Cardiac Clinic at Children's Mercy.

Fetal cardiology: Levi's story

When a fetal echocardiogram reveals a critical heart defect—and the baby has to undergo life-saving cardiac surgery only eight days after birth—you don’t expect the mother to label the experience as “awesome.” But Traci Pierson actually describes her son Levi’s birth in even more glowing terms. “Despite the fact that my child had a serious birth defect,” Traci said, “I look back on his delivery as even better than my first son’s”—a remarkable statement considering that big brother Liam was born with no health concerns.

Meet Levi

Fetal cardiology: Baldwin family's story

Follow the Baldwin family's journey through the Fetal Cardiology Program at Children's Mercy when their son Hartman was prenatally diagnosed with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome.

Gastroschisis: Warren's story

Just 18 weeks into her pregnancy, Mariah Schumacher learned her baby boy had a defect in his abdominal wall that would require surgery to repair. Thanks to the Elizabeth J. Ferrell Fetal Health Center at Children’s Mercy, Mariah was able to give birth in the same hospital where her baby’s surgery was performed.

Meet Warren

Inside Pediatrics: Evelyn's story

Fetal surgeons at Children’s Mercy push the possibilities with a dramatic spinal repair surgery performed on baby Evelyn before birth.

Oral teratoma: Jude's story

Ten weeks before their son, Jude, was born, Tracy and Chris Schinzel learned he had a large oral tumor attached to the roof of his mouth that made it almost impossible to breathe. The Elizabeth J. Ferrell Fetal Health Center at Children’s Mercy and a team of experts orchestrated a series of complex procedures that put a smile on Jude’s face.

Meet Jude

Schizencephaly: Ajla and Audie's story

Diagnosed at 23 weeks with a rare brain defect, schizencephaly, Ajla and Audie Leonard have received the advantage of specialized care from a wide range of Children’s Mercy’s health experts.

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: Johnny and Sammy's story

Johnny and Sammy were struggling in the womb. Laser ablation surgery gave them a chance at life.

Genomic Medicine Center: Parker's story

Parker is a fierce fighter against rhabdomyosarcoma. Her family received valuable information through the Genomic Answers for Kids program that will help Parker, her sister and her parents be proactive about their health screenings in the future.

Meet Parker

Genomic Medicine Center: Dalton's story

Diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening syndrome called Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome, or BVVL, Dalton is treated at Children’s Mercy by a team of specialists including Jean-Baptiste Le Pichon, MD, PhD, pediatric neurologist. Dr. Le Pichon prescribes vitamin B-12, a promising new treatment, and Dalton’s condition greatly improves.

Genomic Medicine Center: Finding answers for leukemia

Thanks to ground-breaking research at the Genomic Medicine Center at Children’s Mercy, new treatments provide hope to infants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a rare cancer of the blood and bone marrow that has a very poor prognosis. Watch as baby Brisia joins just 49 other infants around in the world in an oncology trial that pairs special drugs along with her standard chemotherapy in hopes of improving her chances for a cure.

Genomic Medicine Center: June's story

June and her family found answers and relief because of Genomic Answers for Kids, a flagship program of the Children’s Mercy Research Institute.

Meet June
June McFarland smiling.

Crohn's disease: Bailey's story

Bailey has been living with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect the entire digestive tract, for almost half of her life. She has powered through flare-ups with the help of our IBD Team and continues to keep a positive outlook on life.

Meet Bailey
Bailey standing outside, in front of a lake and smiling.

Crohn's disease: Leah's story

Leah Steinacker was a busy, active high school senior when sudden, severe stomach pain landed her in the hospital at Children’s Mercy. Her experience receiving care for Crohn's disease inspired her Master's thesis project - a waiting room kit for kids.

Meet Leah

Delivering complex medical care via telemedicine: TJ’s story

Several complex medical conditions make visits to Children’s Mercy a challenge for TJ DeCow. Now, telemedicine visits are making it possible for TJ’s doctors to check in on him remotely, reducing his anxiety level, saving travel time to and from the hospital, and limiting time away from work for his mom.

Meet TJ
TJ having a telemedicine visit with Dr. John Rosen

Gastroschisis: Tristyn's story

Born with several of her organs outside of her body, Tristyn wasn't supposed to live past age 4. With the support of Children's Mercy experts and a family mantra of getting through whatever is placed in front of them, Tristyn is now a thriving 11-year-old.

Meet Tristyn

Hypersensation of the gastrointestinal tract: Amarissa’s story

At 4 ½, Amarissa Hampton has struggled with painful constipation since birth. Finally, she was referred to the Gastrointestinal team at Children’s Mercy, and after a lengthy hospitalization, she’s doing better than ever. Now she’s enjoying her favorite foods, like ice cream and pizza, she has lots of energy, and she’s thriving for the first time in her young life.

Meet Amarissa
Little girl with a gold, red and white bow in her hair, and a tube running from her nose and taped to her face

Inside Pediatrics: Colson's story

Colson was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and with the help Dr. Julie Bass, Medical Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program at Children's Mercy, and his mother, he is now receiving family-centered care.

Inside Pediatrics: Zane's story

Severe gastrointestinal pain can be debilitating. See how the GI Pain Lab at Children’s Mercy combines medicine with biofeedback and other treatments to help kids like Zane live with less pain.

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: Toby's story

A rare genetic condition causes polyps to continually form in Toby Nguyen’s intestines. But thanks to the Children’s Mercy Polyposis Center and a unique test called double balloon enteroscopy, it’s under control.

Meet Toby

Rumination disorder: Austin's story

Austin is a kid who loves creative activities - many of which help him manage his rumination syndrome. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the Rumination Disorder Clinic has helped Austin find techniques to help with his body's involuntary response to swallowing food.

Meet Austin
Austin Hasenohr grinning and kneeling outside in a field of grass.

Swallowed magnets: Elijah's story

Normally a high-energy kid, Elijah’s ongoing nausea and fatigue sent him to the ER multiple times. When his mom pushed for an X-ray, they discovered Elijah had ingested 37 tiny magnets. Find out how Children’s Mercy helped Elijah find his spark again—and why magnets aren’t toys!

Meet Elijah
Children's Mercy patient, Elijah, in his car seat and smiling.

Rumination disorder: Bobbi’s story

Seventeen-year-old Bobbi Horr was referred to Children’s Mercy when she was unable to swallow her food and began spitting it up constantly. The Gastroenterology team diagnosed her with rumination disorder, a rare syndrome often caused by stress. Thanks to behavioral modification, Bobbi has learned how to effectively manage her stress, and continue her active life as a junior at Holton High School.

Meet Bobbi
 Bobbi Horr smiling and holding blue and sliver pom-poms

Endometriosis: Avery and MK’s story

Siblings Avery and MK both struggled with the pain of endometriosis. Holistic care from the Children’s Mercy Gynecology department has helped them get back to normal teen activities.

Meet Avery and MK
Two sets of hands are clasped together in one person's lap.

Endometriosis: Taylor’s story

When 13-year-old Taylor Stewart seemed to be getting sicker and sicker with abdominal pain, nausea and weight loss, she turned to Children’s Mercy and the Endometriosis Care program. That’s where she was diagnosed and treated for the debilitating condition, endometriosis. Today, she’s feeling much better, getting back to her busy routine as an active teen.

Taylor's story
Taylor Stewart standing and smiling in a field of sunflowers while holding a dog. She is wearing a white dress and eyeglasses.

Myocarditis: Cartier’s Story

Cartier had a severe form of myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle. Through the support of his family and a large multidisciplinary care team, he made a full recovery — no transplant needed!

Meet Cartier
A baby laughs while being held by his dad, who is also smiling. The baby is wearing a yellow onesie and has a small tube in his nose and two tubes going to his torso. The dad has a hospital bracelet on his arm.

Tiny heart, beating strong

Born premature and forced to undergo open-heart surgery at just three months old, this brave boy is now growing into a full-fledged toddler.  

Meet Johnny

Shone’s Complex: Brexley's Story

Brexley, a joyful baby, faced a life-threatening situation at just 18 days old but was saved by quick action from Master Trooper Evan Jacks and expert medical care. Diagnosed with Shone’s Complex, she underwent successful treatments and is now thriving under close medical supervision.

Meet Brexley

Living with HLHS: Jaxon's Story

If Jaxon, 16, had been born just one generation earlier, his hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) diagnosis would have been fatal. Medical advancements — and his family’s big love — made it possible for him to have a typical childhood. Now he’s celebrating teenage milestones, like getting his driver’s license, with his parents and siblings. Read more about how Jaxon doesn't let his diagnosis rule his life and his journey as a trailblazer who is growing up strong. 

Meet Jaxon

CHAMP: Winston's story

Winston Wahlgren has hypoplastic left heart syndrome, or HLHS, a congenital heart defect that requires three heart surgeries to repair. His parents used the CHAMP App, an innovative PC tablet-based application created by Children’s Mercy researchers, to monitor his condition between surgeries.

CHAMP: Holden's story

Holden was born with a congenital heart defect. Two open heart surgeries have given him reason to celebrate.

Meet Holden
Holden's mother holding him and kissing his cheek

Heart transplant: Hannah's story

Fifteen year old Hannah could pretend her heart wasn’t a problem during marching band practice by “fake playing” as she paraded around the field. But eventually, the cardiomyopathy that plagued her family forced her off the field and into a hospital bed. There, she could only wait for a donor heart to save her life. Hannah became the first heart-transplant patient at Children's Mercy.

Inside Pediatrics: Leah's story

Leah was born with half a heart, and despite several surgeries, it’s failing fast. Cardiac and critical care specialists work to keep her alive, hoping a new heart can be found in time.

Inside Pediatrics: Ziah's story

Baby Ziah depends upon a passionate team of prenatal and cardiac specialists to help her survive through birth and the heart repairs needed during her first year of life.

Ewing sarcoma: Annabelle's story

There's nothing better than helping a fierce competitor get back on the field. Learn how the Cancer Center at Children’s Mercy is treating Annabelle after she was diagnosed with localized Ewing sarcoma, a bone and soft tissue cancer.

Meet Annabelle
A teenage girl without hair smiles while sitting in a blue chair.

Ganglioglioma: Mayia's Story

Mayia is a vibrant and determined 6-year-old who loves outdoor adventures and creative projects. When she was 4, a sudden change in her hand use led to the discovery of a brain tumor at Children’s Mercy Kansas City. Despite the challenges, Mayia’s resilience and the dedicated care from her medical team have been pivotal in her ongoing treatment journey.

Meet Mayia
Mayia sitting, wearing light blue dress smiling with two bows in hair

Medulloblastoma: Hailey's Story

10 years ago, Hailey was battling medulloblastoma. Today, she’s an active preteen known for her big heart. (And sass!) Read Hailey’s inspiring story and learn how our Survive & Thrive Clinic supports kids like her.

Meet Hailey

Osteosarcoma: Lexy's Story

Lexy is a strong-willed five-year-old who loves art projects, tater tots, facility dog Jellybean and her big brother, Klay.  Her fierce disposition has led the way during a challenging cancer diagnosis — and will continue to serve her well as a kid growing up with a limb difference. 

Meet Lexy

Collaborative Care Against Cancer: Camaya's Story

Camaya, one of three identical triplets, was a snuggly, happy baby until around 7 months old, when her parents noticed she was unusually listless and fussy. A rapid series of tests determined Camaya had an aggressive type of brain cancer called an atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor. 

Her Children's Mercy team, led by neuro-oncologist Kevin Ginn, MD, had to get creative with the type and sequence of Camaya's treatments in order to attack the tumor without additional damage to her brain. Read more on Camaya's journey through chemotherapy, surgery and proton therapy.

Meet Camaya
A baby with chubby cheeks and a pink stuffed animal looks directly at the camera.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Elsie's Story

“I don’t think there’s anything that can dull Elsie’s sparkle,” her mom says. For 4-year-old Elsie and her family, being part of a research study during her acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment is their way of paying it forward for other families who need cancer care in the future. These necessary research studies have helped the oncology community make dramatic strides forward in the last few decades—all while providing patients with cutting-edge therapy today. See Elsie's video story

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Elaina's story

One typical morning, Elaina’s parents received a call about her bloodwork confirming the unexpected: “We think it’s leukemia.” Watch to hear her journey to remission, the challenges she’s overcome and the research still needed to provide more treatment options for Hispanic children diagnosed with cancer.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Munira's story

Munira Nuru began her cancer journey just days before her 17th birthday. With the Children’s Mercy Cancer Center team on her side and a determined spirit, her cancer is now in remission and her future is bright.

Meet Munira
Munira Nuru smiling while wearing eyeglasses and a black colored hijab on her head.

Acute promyelocytic leukemia: Teo's story

Teo was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) and started treatment immediately. Thanks to a clinical trial, Teo was able to complete his treatment much more quickly and get back to the activities he loves.

Meet Teo
Teo smiling and holding up multiple medals.

Aplastic anemia: Nick's story

One day Little League pitcher, Nick, just wasn't himself on the field. After a visit with his pediatrician, Nick was referred to Children's Mercy where the cause was diagnosed — a condition that hinders the bone marrow from making enough blood cells. See how Nick found the right treatment and even threw out the first pitch at a New York Yankees game.

Meet Nick
Nick's Story: an aplastic anemia patient at Children's Mercy

Beta thalassemia major: Hadil's story

Hadil, a Syrian refugee, had battled a rare inherited blood disorder since birth called beta thalassemia major. Now thanks to a successful bone marrow transplant at Children’s Mercy, where survival rates are at or above national averages, she is meeting the challenges of life in her new home.

Meet Hadil
Hadil's Story: beta thalassemia major

Cellular congenital mesoblastic nephroma: Chase's story

In his first year of life, "Chase the Champ" was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor that accounts for about 5% of pediatric kidney cancers. At one point, he was given only 72 hours to live, but now Chase is a resilient, young cancer survivor!

Meet Chase
Chase Jackman outside of Children's Mercy with his face turned to the sun. His eyes are close and he is smiling.

Ewing sarcoma: Alex's story

Despite the life-threatening diagnosis of advanced Ewing sarcoma, Maruska and Jeff Goodwin, Leicester, United Kingdom, were determined to find answers for their 8-year-old son, Alex. At Children’s Mercy, they discovered the expertise Alex needed to not only beat cancer, but to grow stronger day by day.

Meet Alex
Children's Mercy patient Alex receives care in the Cancer Center.

Ewing sarcoma: Gavin's story

Gavin Beaver has been in the fight of his life since he was 9 years old, battling a rare type of cancer called Ewing sarcoma. With the team from Children’s Mercy in his corner, he has the strength and willpower to continue his fight, exceeding everyone’s expectations.

Meet Gavin
Gavin's Story of Ewing Sarcoma at Children's Mercy

Hemophilia: Mark and Ethan's story

The Children’s Mercy Hemophilia Care Team travels to Dodge City, Kan., to deliver care to patients living with this life-threatening disorder. Mark and his big brother, Ethan, both have hemophilia, and depend on the team for the treatments they need to better manage the disease.

Hodgkin lymphoma: Magnus' story

Meet Magnus, a 10-year-old battling Hodgkin lymphoma. This cancer journey is told from a perspective we don't get too often — his.


Hodgkin lymphoma: Miqueas' story

Miqueas' mother grew concerned as a small bump on her son's neck began to grow. With limited English, she struggled to find the best care for Miqueas. After meeting with Dr. Flatt, Director of the Spanish-Speaking Cancer Clinic and cancer specialist at Children's Mercy, they found the answers and care they needed.

Meet Miqueas
Meet Miqueas Valdez Cisneros, a patient in the Cancer Center at Children's Mercy.

Hodgkin lymphoma: Pepito's story

Three-year-old Pepito has Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer rarely found in children his age. Alan Gamis, MD, a pediatric oncologist at Children’s Mercy, prescribes chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the softball-sized tumor in his neck, and stop the cancer in its tracks.

Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: Clara's story

Clara was born with a tumor the size of a golf ball on the back of her tongue. Genetic testing of the tumor showed that Clara had a rare form of cancer. By obtaining approval for a compassionate use trial—essentially a clinical trial just for her—Clara's doctors were able to successfully treat her cancer.

Meet Clara
Clara Jenson

Inside Pediatrics: Peyton's story

A father returns from service overseas to join the Children’s Mercy oncology team in its life-saving battle to save his son, Peyton, from aggressive cancer.

Osteosarcoma: Kambre's story

Kambre Jo Konrade started kindergarten facing a life-threatening obstacle—a grapefruit-sized mass above her knee called an osteosarcoma. The experts at Children’s Mercy performed a procedure called a rotationplasty. Today, Kambre’s tumor is gone, and she has good function in her leg.

Meet Kambre
Children's Mercy patient Kambre receives care in the Cancer Center.

Refractory anemia with excess blasts: McKenzie's story

A winning athlete on the tennis court, McKenzie Haynes used that same spirit to meet the challenge of her young life—refractory anemia with excess blasts Type 1. Treatment at Children’s Mercy included blood transfusions, chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. Several months later, she was back on the court in top form.

Meet McKenzie
Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts: McKenzie's Story

Rhabdomyosarcoma: Suela's story

At just 15 years old, Persephone Consuela (Suela) Duran was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. Luckily, the Salina, Kan., teen lived less than 200 miles from one of the premier hospitals in the nation known for treating this deadly disease, and sought help at Children’s Mercy Kansas City.

Meet Suela
Children's Mercy patient Suela receives care in the Cancer Center.

SCID: Connor's story

Connor's family chose Children's Mercy over many other options to care for Connor when he was born with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Learn about his experience.

Sickle cell disease: Elijah's story

Elijah was born with Sickle Cell Disease. Meet Elijah and learn about his care team at Children's Mercy.

Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency: Wyatt's story

Four-year-old Wyatt was diagnosed with a rare genetic multisystem disorder called TPI shortly after he was born. A bone marrow transplant at Children’s Mercy, was his best chance for survival.

Meet Wyatt
Triosephosphate Isomerase Deficiency: Wyatt's Story

Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL): Bryce's story

Bryce and his younger brothers, Clayton and Michael, all have a genetic condition called von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, which causes tumors to form on the adrenal glands. The Children's Mercy Cancer Center team monitors Bryce and his brothers through the Surveillance for Predisposition to Tumors (SPoT) Clinic. This clinic provides regular check-ups for children with genetic conditions that are more likely to cause tumors.

Meet Bryce
Bryce Munson

Wilms tumor: Tripp's story

When Tripp was 3 years old, a CT scan and biopsy confirmed he had a common type of childhood kidney cancer called Wilms tumor. What wasn’t common was that it had already spread to Tripp’s lymph nodes. Following tough therapy for a tough tumor, Tripp is now back to playing with trucks and dinosaurs!

Meet Tripp

Home Care: Lucas' story

Even though he is just four years old, Lucas Whitacre has overcome many challenges already, including feeding and nutrition issues, a brain tumor and a stroke. Children’s Mercy Home Care helps medically complex kids like Lucas and his mom Shannon get the care they need without the burden of extra trips to the hospital.

Meet Lucas
Children's Mercy Home Care patient

Time saves lives: Emersyn’s story

When every minute counts, a great partnership matters.

Baby Emersyn’s temperature spikes on a routine Saturday morning, prompting her community pediatrician to refer her straight to the Emergency Department at Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas. Using cutting-edge technology, the Infectious Diseases team rapidly diagnoses Emersyn with E. coli meningitis, which if not caught early, can have a devastating outcome.

Kangaroo Care Program improving lives of premature babies (and their parents)

Brianna Schmitz experienced a mix of fear and relief when she first held her premature son, Bodhi, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Born at just 28 weeks and weighing less than two pounds, Bodhi benefited from the hospital’s Kangaroo Care program, which emphasizes skin-to-skin contact to promote bonding and numerous health benefits. This practice, supported by dedicated NICU staff, has shown remarkable results in improving the well-being of both premature infants and their parents.


Learn more about the Kangaroo Care Program

NICU to Now: Kaydee's story

Kaydee started her journey as a premature newborn, weighing only 1 pound and 6 ounces. She faced significant challenges, including severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and was transferred to our Level IV NICU at 4 months old. Today, Kaydee is an energetic, horse-riding 10-year-old breathing on her own and thriving on her family's ranch.

Meet Kaydee
Young girl Kaydee stands wearing a red cardigan

Kingston's story

Kingston Morris was born at Children’s Mercy in March 2023, when a team of nearly 30 providers and several departments completed a rare EXIT-to-airway procedure. He has been diagnosed with CHD4 Neuromuscular Disorder and has number of challenges, but has shown remarkable progress during his time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Meet Kingston
Madison holds her son Kingston on her lap. Kingston has a tube in his throat and limb differences.

Epidermolysis bullosa simplex: Jaciel’s story

When Jaciel Ceballas Lemus was born, the skin was missing from the palms of his hands and soles of his feet, and soon blisters, some the size of quarters, covered his body. At Children’s Mercy, he was diagnosed with a rare genetic skin disorder called epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS). With dedicated support from his family and medical team, Jaciel’s skin now has healed, and he’s home for the first time since his birth.

Meet Jaciel
Baby Jaciel Ceballas Lemus laying in crib with hands wrapped in bandages.

Osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis: Emersyn’s story

Pink tutus and Peppa Pig are just two of the things 4-year-old Emersyn Gross loves. Find out how Children’s Mercy helped diagnose and treat her rare genetic condition so she can enjoy being a kid.

Meet Emersyn
Emersyn Gross posing outside with her hands on her hips, wearing a shirt that says "SASSY."

Tracheostomy Program: Kieesha's story

If you want to know what life with a tracheostomy is like, just ask Kieesha. With the help of the Children's Mercy Tracheostomy Team, she's successfully managed life with a trach for almost all of her 9 years. In spite of her complex medical needs, Kieesha doesn't let her trach slow her down.

Meet Kieesha
Kieesha Pentlin laying down with her arms behind her head and smiling.

Cerebral palsy: Hailey's story

Born premature and diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Hailey Bertoncino’s physical challenges have made walking, and especially running, difficult. But with the help of the Children’s Mercy Comprehensive Movement Disorders and Spasticity Clinic, a special surgery called selective dorsal rhizotomy, and extensive rehabilitation, her goal is to play T-ball this summer.

Meet Hailey
Cerebral Palsy patient Hailey receives care at Children's Mercy.

Cortical dysplasia: Natalia's story

Natalia was having up to 30 seizures a day. An advanced neurostimulation implant silenced them all.

Dravet Syndrome: Tenley's Story

Tenley is a people-loving 10-year-old who adores roller coasters, swimming and cheerleading. She also also lives with Dravet Syndrome, a rare form of severe epilepsy with symptoms that affect almost every system in the body. With the help of the Epilepsy Center, Tenley has gone from experiencing hundreds of seizures a day to a life full of the things she loves.

Meet Tenley

Drug-resistant seizures: Derek’s story

Thirteen-year-old Derek Ahlstedt began having seizures when he was only 18 months old, and has struggled with them ever since. Thanks to new technology called ROSA® Brain, a Children’s Mercy neurosurgeon was able to pinpoint the source of his seizures, and remove the dysfunctioning portion of his brain. He’s now seizure-free and looking forward to the possibility of driving one day.

Meet Derek
Epilepsy patient, Derek, having his heart check by a physician

Pediatric epilepsy: Gary's story

Christian Kaufman, MD, Children’s Mercy pediatric neurosurgeon, performs an intricate surgery to remove abnormal brain tissue, which should help stop severe epileptic seizures for Gary. Months later, Gary is seizure-free, and is slowly being taken off his anti-seizure medications.

Ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy: Reed's story

Despite being diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Glut1 that causes seizures, Reed Williams is active and healthy. His family credits the Children’s Mercy Ketogenic Diet Program with making that possible.

Meet Reed
Reed cooking in the Keto Diet Program at Children's Mercy.

Ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy: Santi's story

When Bertha Guillen's son, Santi, struggled with seizures, she was told he may never walk or talk. But with the help of an innovative diet plan, his epilepsy has been controlled, even without the use of medication. Watch Santi's story to see how a mother got her son back.

Ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy: Vito's story

Diagnosed with the rare genetic disorder Glut1 as an infant, Vito Costanza had constant seizures until beginning the ketogenic diet at Children’s Mercy. Thankfully, the diet has been a lifesaver for Vito.

Meet Vito
Vito eats the ketogenic diet at Children's Mercy.

Pediatric stroke: Ben's story

The Children’s Mercy Comprehensive Stroke Clinic stabilized newborn Ben McKinnon using blood thinners after he had a life-threatening perinatal stroke. Today, the toddler is walking and running, thanks to early intervention.

Meet Ben
Ben's story about receiving care in the Comprehensive Stroke Clinic at Children's Mercy.

Perinatal stroke: Sadie's story

Before she was born, Sadie Ewy suffered a perinatal stroke. That’s why her family turned to the Children’s Mercy Comprehensive Stroke Clinic. Now 2, she’s doing so well she’s “high-fiving” her doctors.

Meet Sadie

Pediatric stroke: Talan's story

A 2 ½ years old Talan Turner suffered a devastating stroke. After months of physical, occupational and speech therapy at Children’s Mercy, Talan is walking, running and chasing the family dog.

Meet Talan

Protein C deficiency: Will’s story

It wasn’t likely that Amber and Blake McKinnon would have another child with a rare blood clotting disorder, but when it happened, the Children’s Mercy Elizabeth J. Ferrell Fetal Health Center and Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were there for them. Today, their second son, Will, is a healthy toddler thanks to the lifesaving care he received as soon as he was born.

Meet Will
Color photo of Will McKinnon and his brother, Ben. Ben is sitting behind Will with his hands on his shoulders smiling.

Severe spasticity and dystonia: Josie's story

At three-years-old, a rare condition damaged Josie’s brain, impacting her ability to speak and leaving her with a severe movement disorder. The Children’s Mercy Comprehensive Movement Disorders and Spasticity Clinic recommended an intrathecal baclofen pump be implanted, and now Josie is on the road to recovery.

Meet Josie
Severe spasticity and dystonia patient, Josie, pushing her hand against adult's hand


Corneal cross linking: Noah's story

Noah DeFerraris has a rare eye condition called keratoconus. His vision was failing, then he found Erin Stahl, MD, Children’s Mercy ophthalmologist. Dr. Stahl recommended a procedure recently approved by the FDA called corneal cross linking, and now Noah is seeing 20/20!

Meet Noah
Corneal Cross Linking: Noah's Story

Interventional radiology eye repair: Connor’s story

Three-year-old Connor cries when he looks in the mirror. That’s because he has a vascular malformation that causes his left eyeball to severely bulge out. Watch as Connor’s doctor uses minimally invasive, image-guided needles around Connor’s eye to deliver medicine and suck the blood away from his eye, all without open surgery.

Cerebral Palsy: Mohamed’s Story

From a harrowing birth in a bombed-out hospital to relocating their entire family, Mohamed’s family has been through a lot. In spite of many challenges, including cerebral palsy, Mohamed is making amazing progress toward his personal goals with the help of his Children’s Mercy team.

Meet Mohamed
A man with brown hair and a white Puma sweatshirt stands with his arm around his son, a 12-year-old boy with brown hair and a white sweatshirt. They are standing near a purple handrail overlooking the main lobby of Children’s Mercy Adele Hall Campus. There are large, colorful sculptures hanging from the ceiling in the background.

Bone lengthening: Aveon's story

After six surgeries to correct a condition she was born with, Aveon undergoes surgery at Children's Mercy to lengthen her bone. She will receive a new magnetic implant through a new technique. Dr. Olney has cared for Aveon for more than 10 years.

Broken knuckle: Ashton's story

When 15-year-old Ashton Meuret broke the middle knuckle on the ring finger of her left hand, she turned to Christine Cheng, MD, pediatric hand surgeon, for help. After surgery and rehabilitation, this highly competitive gymnast is back in action again.

Meet Ashton
Broken knuckle patient, Ashton, smiling with her arms up at a gymnastics tournament

Early onset scoliosis: Quinn's story

Why is Quinn Liberman smiling? The 7-year-old is finished with serial Mehta casting and moving to the next phase of treatment at Children’s Mercy for her scoliosis—Rigo Cheneau bracing. To celebrate, she took time for a unique photo shoot documenting her journey.

Meet Quinn
Quinn Liberman smiling with grassy field behind her

Hypoplastic thumb: Q&A with Dallin

Dallin was born with a hypoplastic (underdeveloped) thumb, but thanks to a surgery when he was a toddler, he’s now able to conquer everyday activities. In this Q&A with Dr. Cheng, Dallin shares his thoughts and advice for other kids with hand or thumb differences.

Meet Dallin
Dallin Mecham as a toddler sitting in a high chair, wearing a bib  and smiling with his arms outstretched.

Hip Dysplasia: Kayse's Story

18-year-old Kayse Cooper was an active multi-sport athlete until persistent leg and hip pain sidelined her from her favorite activities. With the help of Caleb Grote, MD she is back on her feet. 

Meet Kayse

Hip Dysplasia: Ella's Story

Seven-year-old Ella is the kind of kid who never sits still. She loves to dance, swim, play softball and soccer, and goof around with her younger brother, Reed. With the help of the hip care team at Children’s Mercy, Ella’s hip dysplasia doesn’t get in the way of being an on-the-go kid.

Meet Ella
ella standing on tree trunk

Inside Pediatrics: Anthony's Story

Anthony was born with an upper spine deformity; a 4-hour surgery replaced his deformed upper vertebrae with metal plates and rods. During surgery, Dr. Richard Schwend used telemedicine to share knowledge with colleagues observing the procedure in the Ukraine.

Inside Pediatrics: Ellie's Story

Teenaged Ellie had adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. After a 5-hour surgery to correct her spinal curvature, she is 2 inches taller and is taking a dance class. 

Inside Pediatrics: Kaysen's Story

Five-month-old Kaysen's shoulder nerves were damaged, so he couldn't bend or lift his right arm. A 6-hour surgery at Children's Mercy helped to rebuild his nerve pathways. Now, with the help of his parents and occupational therapy, Kaysen is learning to build strength and control in his arm.

Inside Pediatrics: Martin's story

Go inside the operating room to see surgeons give young Martin the gift of greater movement.

Osteochondritis dissecans: Gabe's story

Gabe Keeton was an active kid until he started having severe knee pain without an explanation. Gabe came to the Sports Medicine Center where he was diagnosed with an articular cartilage defect called osteochondritis dissecans, or OCD. After three knee surgeries, including a newer surgical option called articular chondrocyte implantation, or MACI®, and a dedicated team of experts at Children's Mercy, Gabe is now on the road to recovery.

Gabe's story
Gabe Keeton wearing a black face mask and lifting a barbell in a gym.

Scoliosis and spinal fusion: Kiki's story

At only 2 years old, Kiki Moon began tumbling, dancing and cheering, so when she was diagnosed with scoliosis at 12, she didn’t let it stop her. After surgery to straighten her spine in May 2020, she recovered quickly and is now competitively cheering all year!

Meet Kiki
Headshot of Kiki Moon.

Plastic Surgery and Neurosurgery teams work together to create plans for every child with craniofacial differences.

Geneva is a one-of-a-kind 2-year-old who radiates joy and has a huge personality. Although her head shape was a little different from most kids due to early closure of one part of her skull, she has now fully recovered from her corrective surgery and is back to giving her parents a hard time!

Meet Geneva
Geneva, a toddler with light blonde hair, enjoys a popsicle by her backyard swing set.

Cleft lip and palate: Joaquin's story

Shao Jiang, MD, pediatric plastic surgeon, repairs Joaquin’s previous cleft lip and palate surgery, which was performed in another country. Dr. Jiang’s goal is to reduce scarring and improve function for Joaquin.

Treacher Collins syndrome: Makayla's story

Maykayla Hainline has Treacher Collins, a rare syndrome that affects development of her ears, eyes, cheekbones and chin. The Children’s Mercy JAWS Clinic ensures she sees all her specialists at one appointment.

Meet Makayla
A patient receives care in the JAWS Clinic at Children's Mercy.

RAPS: Makayla's story

Makayla comes to Children’s Mercy in a wheelchair with debilitating pain from an injury a year earlier—she can’t even walk. But the Rehabilitation for Amplified Pain Syndromes (RAPS) program, a multidisciplinary service that treats children with severe pain and disability, goes to work, helping Makayla return to her normal activities.

International Services: Tobias' story

Tobias was born in China. He was born with spina bifida and when he was five months old a small hole in heart was closed with surgery. The International Services team at Children's Mercy helped Tobias' mom plan for his care in Kansas City with all of his specialists in one place.

Kit's story

In 2017, Kit turned 5 years old, and she celebrated her first chemo-free summer in more than two years. Since age 3, she has endured more than 20 spinal taps, multiple blood transfusions, surgeries and dozens of hospital admissions. She spent 859 days undergoing chemotherapy. Kit doesn’t remember life without chemo. 

Thankfully, scientific investigation and personalized medicine helped save Kit’s life. But what if she and her family didn’t have to lose that time while she struggled through heart-wrenching pain? What if childhood diseases like the acute lymphoblastic leukemia that invaded Kit’s tiny body were eliminated and children didn’t have to suffer at all? What if her family never had to say, “She’s still not out of the woods” and wonder and worry every single day? 

Kit, celebrating her last day of chemo at Children's Mercy

ACL injury and recovery: Michael's story

When Michael Shultz experienced a season-ending knee injury while wrestling, he turned to the experts at the Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine. After surgery to repair his ACL and extensive rehab, he’s back in action for his senior year, suiting up as No. 30 and playing middle linebacker and tight end for the Sabres.

Meet Michael
Michael Shultz on treadmill while physical therapist watches in background

ACL tear and rehab: Mary’s story

When 15-year-old Mary suffers a knee injury that threatens her tennis career, her parents turn to Children’s Mercy for expert orthopedic surgical repair. See how customized care and world-class rehab facilities used by professional athletes enable Mary to get back on the court in time for her state high school tournament.

ACL tears in both knees: Megan's story

By the time she was just 18 years old, Megan Johnson had torn the anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs) in both knees. With the help of Children’ Mercy Sports Medicine at Village West, the college softball player is ready to return to the field when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Meet Megan

Broken kneecap and tibia: Antonio’s story

A broken kneecap and tibia literally disabled Antonio Briscoe, making every movement a struggle. But thanks to Antonio’s determination and months and months of therapy with Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine, he’s back on the basketball court.

Meet Antonio
Antonio smiling (broken kneecap and tibia patient)

Broken leg and shattered kneecap: Martez’s story

A life-threatening accident upended 13-year-old Martez Hall’s life and a promising football career, breaking his right femur, and shattering his left kneecap. After surgery at Children’s Mercy Kansas City, he’s spent months and months in therapy with the goal to get back to the game he loves—football.

Meet Martez
An adolescent boy smiles in a sports medicine center.

Broken right leg: Maddux’s story

In October 2019, Maddux Radosevic broke his right leg in three places, ending his freshman football season prematurely. Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center helped the three-sport athlete get back in shape just in time for the Rockhurst Hawklets’ baseball tryouts this spring. Though Maddux made the cut, the season is now on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meet Maddux

Broken tibia: Baylee’s story

Baylee Kern is a competitive softball player who has battled her way back from three separate injuries. Each injury has been more severe than the next. But thanks to her hard work, determination and support from Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center, she’s ready to get back on the field and play ball!

Meet Baylee

Broken tibial eminence: Sophie’s story

A member of Rock Chalk Dance, the high-energy dance team at the University of Kansas, Sophie Lawrence loves being able to express herself through dance. But a snow skiing accident Jan. 1, 2020, led to surgery and months of physical therapy. Now, thanks to her commitment and Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine at Village West, she’s fully recovered and back on the team.

Meet Sophie

Bulging disc injury and recovery: Logan's story

Logan Buffo, a three-sport athlete at Lansing High School, worked out with some serious weight as a member of his powerlifting team until multiple bulging discs slowed him down and led to chronic pain. Under the guidance of Shannon Margherio, PT, OCS, Logan began his physical therapy at the Sports Medicine Center at Children’s Mercy where he learned proper form in the weight room and how to avoid injury in the future.

Meet Logan
Bulging disc injury patient, Logan, in weight room

Exertional compartment syndrome: Dayana’s story

When Dayana Vazquez Rubio was diagnosed with exertional compartment syndrome (ECS), she was already a patient at Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center, rehabbing from an ACL tear and surgery. After treatment and therapy for ECS, she has continued to recover, and is ready to return to her favorite sport, competitive soccer.

Meet Dayana
Dayana Vazquez Rubio in soccer uniform on a soccer field.

Exertional compartment syndrome: Saige’s story

As a highly competitive soccer player, Saige Wimes worked hard to recover from surgery for exertional compartment syndrome (ECS) and return to the field, all with the help of Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine.

Meet Saige

Foot pain: C.J.’s story

C.J. Lyon is a competitive track and cross-country runner, but foot pain almost put a stop to her senior track season. After being referred to Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center, she adjusted her training to include more strengthening exercises. Now C.J.’s back in the race, preparing to run track and cross country in college.

Meet C.J.

Lateral meniscus tear: Deron’s story

A chronic knee injury hampered Deron's football career, but with comprehensive care from the Sports Medicine Center, the Coffeyville Community College tight end returned to the field for the 2022 season. 

Meet Deron
Deron throws the medicine ball against a wall to increase his explosiveness.

MACI surgery recovery: Hidde’s story

Division I basketball player Hidde Roessink learned to harness his strength while recovering from knee surgery with the help of former Division I player, Kaylee Hoffman, DPT.

Meet Hidde
Hidde Roessink smiling and holding a Wilson basketball that also has the NCAA logo in it.

Patellar instability: Lauryn’s story

Lauryn Jimenez has struggled with an unstable right kneecap since grade school, severely hampering her activity level. With surgery at Children’s Mercy and physical therapy at Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center, she’s running and jumping now. Her goal is to become even more active, perhaps playing basketball or volleyball on a rec league.

Meet Lauryn
Lauryn Jimenez wearing a facemask and performing physical therapy

Spondylolisthesis recovery: Gabby’s story

A high school athlete chases her college gymnastic dreams with the help of former NCAA Division I gymnast, Brooke Boehmer, DPT.

Meet Gabby
Sports Medicine patient, Gabby, smiling while at Sports Medicine Center.

Tennis medicine: Dr. Harvey and Nathan's story

Brian Harvey, DO, Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center physician, is a great advocate for competitive student-athletes who play tennis, like Nathan Turtledove. That’s because Dr. Harvey not only loves tennis, he’s played it competitively at the high school and collegiate levels. By combining his knowledge of tennis and medicine, Dr. Harvey helped Nathan stay healthy and competitive during his high school tennis career, and now in college.

Dr. Harvey and Nathan's story
Nathan Turledove in a white tennis outfit and a tennis racket in his hands playing tennis.

Tommy John surgery recovery: Gage’s story

A college catcher-turned-pitcher with a powerful arm faces the biggest challenge of his athletic career yet. The strong trust he built with the team at Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center is supporting his journey back to the mound.

Meet Gage

Torn ACL and meniscus: Berlin’s story

When Berlin Butler-Swanger tore her ACL playing soccer, she heard the classic “pop,” then fell to the ground in pain. But she fought back. After surgery and months and months of working with Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine, she’s confident in her knee and ready to return to the field.

Meet Berlin

Torn ACL: Hartwell's story

During his quest to wrestle at the 2019 Kansas state championships, Hartwell Taylor tore his ACL. At Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Village West, Hartwell not only did traditional therapy-based exercises, but his therapist prescribed blood flow restriction training, or BFR, helping him regain full use of his left leg and a shot at the 2020 state championship.

Meet Hartwell

Torn ACL: Jameel’s story

A talented football player, Jameel Burns seemed destined to play football in college, then an injury to his ACL during a track meet sidelined him. Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center not only helped the starter play football his senior year, his doctor reconstructed his knee, and his therapist helped him rehabilitate it. Now he’s ready to put his knee to the test at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Meet Jameel

Torn ACL: Maxxwell's story

A spot on the varsity football team is a dream for most freshman, but for Maxxwell Ford, it was a reality … until he tore his ACL. That’s when he turned to Children’s Mercy for help. Surgery reconstructed his torn ACL, and physical therapy at the state-of-the-art Children’s Mercy Village West Sports Medicine Center helped him get back in the game.

Meet Maxxwell

Torn ACL: Nahomi's story

A cut, a turn, a cleat digging into the turf and a twist in the wrong direction. That’s all it took for Nahomi Sanchez to tear her left ACL. But with expert guidance from Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine, she’s been able to rehabilitate her knee without surgery just in time for the spring soccer season.

Meet Nahomi
Torn ACL patient, Nahomi, in gym

Torn left ACL: Saneea’s story

A talented 16-year-old point guard for the Blue Springs South Jaguars, Saneea Bevley tore her left ACL playing in an AAU game in April 2019. After surgery and months of rehabilitation with the Children’s Mercy Sports Medicine Center, she finished her high school season strong, determined to play better than ever.

Meet Saneea

Innovative Surgeries at Children’s Mercy Kansas City Relieve Teen Athlete’s Chronic Pain

High school athletes are no strangers to the pain and injury that can come with intense competition. But when 16-year-old Braedon had ongoing neck and shoulder pain that was so severe he couldn’t sleep at night, he and his mom, Terrah, began a search for answers that would end in a series of first-of-their-kind surgeries at Children’s Mercy Kansas City.

Meet Braedon

Bariatric surgery: Lane’s story

When Lane was 17 years old and unable to lose weight through diet and exercise alone, he decided weight loss surgery was his best option. Through the Bariatric Surgery Program at Children’s Mercy, Lane lost over 200 pounds and continues to pursue a healthy lifestyle following his life-changing surgery.

Hirschsprung disease: Taitum's story

Born with the rare condition Hirschsprung disease, Taitum Ellis was transferred to the Children’s Mercy Kansas City Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. There, Rebecca Rentea, MD, Director of the Comprehensive Colorectal Center, diagnosed and treated him. Today, he’s a healthy toddler who should continue to thrive.

Meet Taitum

Pectus carinatum: Rogan's story

An innovative bracing system – combined with a committed patient and family and a dedicated treatment team – helped achieve full correction of one teen’s pectus carinatum in just one month. Read Rogan’s story to learn more.

Meet Rogan
Pectus carinatum patient, Rogan, wearing his customized brace (dynamic compression system) with an undershirt.

Inside Pediatrics: Jacob's story

Revolutionary cryoablation procedures pioneered at Children’s Mercy allow Jacob to recover with almost no discomfort from a chest repair that used to cause months of pain.

Comfort Promise: Anna's story

Anna Beach had such severe needle phobia, it interfered with receiving vaccinations and having important lab tests done. Now thanks to Children’s Mercy’s Comfort Promise, an initiative to help kids cope with needle procedures, Anna is no longer afraid!

Meet Anna

Comfort Promise: Mercy's story

Mercy White had a lot of anxiety surrounding needle procedures, and negative experiences reinforced past trauma. With the Comfort Promise, Mercy now has a plan in place that helps make sure these procedures go smoothly.

Meet Mercy
Mercy White stands near a football field smiling with a pom pom in one hand and a stuffed animal/blanket in the other.

Then and Now: Lanayah’s Transplant Story

13-year-old basketball player Lanayah’s whole world changed when she was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. But with the help of the multidisciplinary teams at Children’s Mercy, Lanayah received a life-saving heart transplant and help navigating post-surgery challenges. Today, she's headed to the University of Kansas to study sports journalism.

Meet Lanayah
 Lanayah wearing black cap and gown for graduation

Then and Now: Inside Jack’s Transplant Journey

In 2019 Jack, a toddler whose kidneys were failing. Today, he’s a wide receiver on his flag football team and loves to ham it up in front of the camera. A kidney transplant at Children’s Mercy Kansas City (and a very special gift from his dad) made his recovery possible. 

Meet Jack
Jack today with Lego set he built

CM celebrates its 50th heart transplant: Wrenley's Story

New heart, new normal! The nine-month-old is teething, growing and infinitely curious about the world around her. Wrenley is thriving with her new heart. All thanks to the hard working staff at Children's Mercy. 

Meet Wrenley
Wrenley laying on floor in patient room