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As part of their cross-training, fellows spend time in a variety of clinics including the pediatric allergy clinic at Children's Mercy, the adult asthma center at University Health, the adult allergy clinic at University Health, and a private practice setting.

First Year


Outpatient Clinic: Eight Months

  • Pediatric Clinic (Children's Mercy Hospital) - three-to-five half days per week
  • Adult Clinic (University Health - Hospital Hill) - one-to-three half days per week
  • Outpatient Private Allergist (adults and pediatrics) - one half day per week

Research: Four Months

A variety of clinical and basic science laboratory experiences early in the first year of training to help develop a research hypothesis.

Throughout: Pollen Count

Consists of the fellow staining a glass slide collected from the aeroallergen sampler and counting the pollens and molds for each day of the previous week. All data is recorded into an electronic database by the fellow.

Second Year


Outpatient Clinic: Seven Months

  • Pediatric Clinic (Children's Mercy Hospital) - three-to-five half days per week
  • Adult Clinic (University Health - Hospital Hill) - two-to-three half days per week

Research: Two Months

Two months is devoted to research.

Electives: Three Months

Three months of electives that include but are not limited to ENT, dermatology, pulmonary, rheumatology, EoE, immunology and severe asthma clinic in both adults and/or pediatrics.

Entire Fellowship


Inpatient allergy/immunology consultations (adult and pediatric) is required on days that an allergy/immunology fellow is on-call.

Educational Lectures: Mondays, Fridays, 10 a.m.–noon

Conferences OnLine Allergy COLA: online lectures and conferences given by prominent allergists, faculty and fellows

Immunology conferences: Monday morning lectures based upon Abbas immunology textbook and the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2010 Primer

Fellows are required to give two journal club lectures, two core curriculum Powerpoint lectures, and two patient-management conferences each year.

Our Allergy and Immunology Fellowship leadership team

Christopher D. Miller, MD
Program Director
(816) 960-8885 ext. 68911

Kasi Trader, BA
Program Coordinator

Rachel Laws, MBA, C-TAGME
Sr. Fellowship Coordinator