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Brain Response to Medicines: A study to learn how the brain of a person with ADHD or depression responds to medicine

This study is being done for: -Children and adults ages 7 to 25 years old -Children and adults with ADHD previously enrolled in the ATX PBPK-PD-Clinical Outcomes Study at Children's Mercy -Children and adults with depression who previously participated in the GOLDILOKs PRISM...

Depression: A study of fluoxetine (Prozac®) and escitalopram (Lexapro®) in teens and adolescents

This study is for teens: • Ages (12-18) • With depression diagnosis The goal of this study is to understand why the antidepressant medicines fluoxetine (Prozac®) and escitalopram...

Improve treatment: Understanding the amount of fluoxetine, escitalopram, pimozide, pantoprazole, and lansoprazole that reaches the brain in teens and young adults

This study is being done for teens and young adults: • Ages 12 to 21 • Currently taking or recently stopped taking fluoxetine, escitalopram, pimozide, pantoprazole, or lansoprazole • Able to have a special brain scan (MRI), a blood draw, and answer brief questionnaires...

Parenting Teens Videos & Toolkit: Caregiver Survey

This study aims to get feedback from parents and caregivers about a series of videos they watch about parenting teenagers. Those who can participate are: • A parent or caregiver who is willing to: 1. Watch a series of 3-5 minute videos (in total lasting ~40 minutes) and...

Tourette's Disorder: A study on Ecopipam tablets in patients with Tourette's Disorder

This study uses the medication Ecopipam to treat Tourette's Disorder. The main purpose is to learn how well Ecopipam (the study drug) works when taken continuously, and how safe Ecopipam is compared to a placebo (an inactive material that looks like the study drug, but doesn't...

Turner Syndrome (TS), The Brain, and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): A study evaluating brain structure and function in adolescents and young adults with Turner syndrome who use hormone replacement therapy as compared to those without Turner syndrome

This study is for teen girls and young adult women: • Ages 14-21 years • With and without Turner syndrome...

Type I Diabetes: A study on the effect of individualized eating plans for teens

This study is for teens: -12-17 years old -T1D Diagnosis for 1+ years...